5 Quick and Sweet Email Tips to Kick Off the Season

By: > November 24th, 2009 > 9 comments

1.    Make it personal.

Start with a person’s name and add it within the email where applicable.

2.    Email early and consistently.

Create a schedule but be mindful to follow your subscribers preferences.  Your unsubscribe and open rate will let you know if you are sending too much.

3.    Add an incentive.

For example, “Purchase by Friday and shipping is on us.” However, be careful to avoid words that may get caught in spam filters such as “free” or text in ALL CAPS.

4.    Include a clear call to action.

Direct on how to take the next step.  For example, “Order Now” or “go here for more information.”

5.    Send a holiday greeting.

A non-threatening, simple email thanking your subscriber goes a long way and saves money on postage.