Connections 2008

By: > September 19th, 2008

I hope to be posting from the Connections 2008 conference in Indianapolis next week. ExactTarget is hosting some of the industry’s top experts on permission marketing and Inbox Orange is going with a half of dozen people to catch up on the latest trends in the industry. I will share what I think is interesting or relavant.

(I love new media/technology. I am posting this update from my iPhone).

Coming to a corner near you

By: > August 13th, 2008

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a medium that could give you reports of exactly how many people interacted with your message? New billboards from Quividi that can identify your sex and customize a message directly to you. Or even send a message directly to you while you’re waiting for a friend at the mall (HolsonicSmart billboards)… without headphones and without others around you hearing it.

Instead of waiting for tomorrow to happen, try taking the first step towards the future and getting great feedback from your marketing message through an opt-in email campaign. Find out who’s reading your messages and send each customer information that they’ve asked to receive.